Saturday, November 7, 2015

What You Should Know About the Master Cleanse Detox Diet (part 1 of 2)

For years, people have been raving about diets that are designed to help you lose weight. A handful of them do more than that because these are also known to cleanse your systems. Such programs are better known as detox diets.

Detox diets have been around for quite some time. One example is the Master Cleanse Detox Diet also known as the Lemonade Diet which gained popularity in 1976. It made a comeback in 2005 and this is what you should know about this diet plan.

Anyone who wants to try this type of detox diet can do it because the steps are very simple. Simply put, you stop eating and start drinking.

Instead of drinking a concoction made from fruits or vegetables, you will be drinking a quart of salt water solution and then proceed further with six to twelve 8oz glasses of a homemade lemonade concoction.

The lemonade concoction consists of freshly squeezed lemons and water, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup. Why these ingredients? Because studies have shown that lemon juice can dissolve waste built-up in the colon. Cayenne pepper helps get rid the body of mucus while maple syrup is to give you energy.

Part of the program requires that you drink an herbal tea laxative. This is used to aid the elimination process so the toxins can excrete in the form of urine or waste.

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